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4-Week Beginners Course - Mixed Adults - Septbember 2023


We're delighted to announce our new Beginners Self Defense - Krav Maga 4-week course starting September 2023!

Time: Thursdays, 4 weeks from 21st of September 6-7 pm
Location: Glasgow Club Kelvinhall - Sports Hall 1&2

These induction courses are designed to give the attendees the basic skills required to gain a fundamental understanding of Krav Maga, the world’s most effective self-defence system. You'll get to learn about and practice defenses against the most frequent types of attacks one may encounter in their everyday life. Even though it's extremely unlikely that you'll be attacked, these courses will give you invaluable tips on how to stay safe and avoid dangerous situations. You'll start looking at the world in a different way and learn to read body language, improve your confidence, all while having fun and getting a great workout. Come along!

Places are limited – Book now!

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